it's all about food.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rojak Tambi


Bahan Cucur (Keras):
1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum
3/4 sudu kecil garam
155-165 ml air
3 biji bawang merah, dicincang halus
minyak untuk menggoreng

Satukan tepung, garam, dan air secukupnya hingga menjadi doh. Tutup dengan tuala dan biar 1 jam. Gaul dengan bawang. Bentukkan kecil-kecil. Goreng di dalam minyak panas hingga keperangan. Hiris sebelum digunakan.

Bahan Sampingan:
8-10 keping tauhu, digoreng keemasan
450 g taugeh, dicelur 1 minit
300 g sengkuang, dihiris
2 biji timun, dihiris
4 biji kentang, direbus, dihiris digoreng keperangan
4 biji telur, direbus dihiris
1/2 peket mihun(dicelur)

Bahan Cucur (Lembut):
1 1/3 cawan tepung gandum
1/4 sudu kecil serbuk penaik
sedikit pewarna kuning
kacang dal direbus dan dikisar
beberapa batang kacang panjang dihiris halus
1 sudu kecil gula
1/4 camt garam
125 ml air
1 biji telur, dipukul

Campur semua bahan (kecuali telur) hingga menjadi adunan sebati. Biar selama 1 jam. Sebelum menggoreng cucur, tambah telur pada adunan dan kacau rata. Goreng cucur hingga keemasan kemudian hiris sebelum disajikan dengan bahan sampingan dan kuah.

Bahan Kuah:
900 g keledek
2.5 liter air
1 sudu besar asam jawa
sedikit ml air
sedikit ml minyak
4 biji bawang merah, dikisar
3 biji cili merah, dibuang kulit dikisar
1 1/2 sudu kecil serbuk cili
1/3 sudu kecil garam
6 sudu besargula
50 g kacang tanah, digoreng dikisar halus

Rebus keledek hingga empuk. Kisar dengan air. Campur asam jawa dengan sedikit ml air. Tapis dan ketepikan. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah dan serbuk cili. Tuangkan keledek kisar bersama airnya. Seleps 3-5 minit, masukkan garam, gula dan air asam jawa. Kacau selalu di atas api perlahan. Kemudian masukkan kacang tanah, Masak lagi hingga terbit minyak.


  1. hi' I love rojak tambi n craving for it. so glad found ur recipe but cant understand. can you pls translate to english? many thks!! :-)

    1. Rojak Tambi

      Flush (Hard):
      1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
      3/4 teaspoon salt
      155-165 ml of water
      3 onions, finely chopped
      oil for frying

      Combine flour, salt, and water to form a dough. Cover with a towel and leave for 1 hour. Mix with onions. Form small pieces. Fry in hot oil until golden brown. Slice before use.

      Side Ingredients:
      8-10 pieces of tofu, fried golden
      450 g of bean sprouts, stirred for 1 minute
      300 g sengkuang, sliced
      2 cucumber seeds, sliced
      4 potato seeds, boiled, sliced ​​fried brown
      4 eggs, boiled sliced
      1/2 packet of mihun (boiled)

      Flush (Soft):
      1 1/3 cup whole wheat flour
      1/4 teaspoon baking powder
      a little yellow dye
      dal beans are boiled and ground
      some long bean stalks finely sliced
      1 teaspoon sugar
      1/4 camt salt
      125 ml air
      1 egg, beaten

      Mix all ingredients (except eggs) until well blended. Leave for 1 hour. Before frying, add the eggs to the batter and stir well. Fry until golden then slice before serving with side ingredients and gravy.

      900 g of sweet potatoes
      2.5 liters of water
      1 tablespoon tamarind
      a little ml of water
      a little ml of oil
      4 onions, ground
      3 red chilli seeds, discarded grind
      1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
      1/3 teaspoon salt
      6 tablespoons sugar
      50 g of peanuts, fried finely ground

      Boil the sweet potatoes until soft. Blend with water. Mix tamarind with a little ml of water. Strain and set aside. Heat oil, saute onion and chilli powder. Pour the ground sweet potatoes with the water. After 3-5 minutes, add salt, sugar and tamarind juice. Stir constantly over low heat. Then add the peanuts, Cook again until the oil rises.
